Movie Review : New Years Eve ( 2011), Arthur Christmas & Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol (2011)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Have you watch some good movies lately?:D
I think it's been a while since my last review for movies right?
So here's just a brief comment about the movies i watched for the past two weeks.

New Year's Eve ( 2011)
I just watched this last night at GSC, Suria with my bf. It was awesome and funny and also touching at the same time! Such a good movie and it worth every minute, so don't even blink your eyes too much while watching this!haha
This movie was released few weeks ago only in GSC, Suria in KK.
New Year's Eve is a Rom-Com movie and similar to Valentine's Day ( because the movie is under the same director).
The movie staring ZAC EFRON, JOSH DUHAMEL, Bon Jovi, Lea Michelle, Kathrine Heighl, Hillary Swank, Russell Peters, Halle Berry, Sarah Jessica Parker and many more.. I'm a big fan of Zac and Josh, so that explains the caps :D
Look what i found on Youtube :D Ladies, Check him out!

Ladies, don't you think Zac Efron is getting hotter and sexier as he grew up??
I'm so excited seeing Zac Efron in the movie, i like his hairstyle, it was just a simple short haircut and it look classy on him, just nice. Ehemm, my bf said he's going to cut like him too when i told him i like Zac's hair..haha *wink* and the funny part, the way he dance in the movie..haha have you guys watch that? It was worth it and you  guys should definitely watch it! i give a rating of 8/10 for New Year's Eve.

Arthur's Christmas (2011)

Another great movie i watched is Arthur Christmas! Haha its a comedy movie about Arthur, Santa's second son who must complete a mission to send  present before Christmas morning. Overall it was a funny and touching christmas movie of the year! Worth watching :) I give a rating of 8/10 too

Mission Impossible 4 : Ghost Protocol(2011)

MI4 : Ghost Protocol, is another action spy movie of the year, staring Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg and well that's all i know..hehe
My bf want to watch this movie, so i friend him watch since he sometimes "terpaksa" watch all the girly movies with me. Oh well, boys. hahaha you can google for the storyline yourself.
Overall i think its a good movie with good action and thrilling in some part of the movie..
what you think of this movie then? :D