30 Days Challenge : Your favourite photograph(s) of your best friend.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 5 :
Your favourite photograph(s) of your best friend.

First of all...i had a FUCKING BAD MORNING to continue the rest of my day!
So i'm not in the mood right now.
Why? Someone FORGOT to pick me up and send me to work.i ended up go to office EARLY!
I only ask him to do this coz i dont have car to use today.
I really hate when this happens, its just shown that he doesn't care. he only cares for his #*&%$^! 
he's trying to make up right now..hmmm...
and for this stupid blog challenge...since i'm at office right now using company's computer and I'm in a terrible mood right now..so i reupload from blogger..

friends forever.